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Services in June  - August

While our Vicar, Rev'd Dan Henderson, is on sabbatical leave we have a number of local clergy & lay readers covering services and there will be some changes to our normal schedule.

(More information about Dan's sabbatical can be found on our blog)

Please see the details of changes below, all other services will remain as normal:

Sunday 8am services

All 8am services will be covered by Rev'd Bill Meyer as normal

except the following Sundays when there will be no 8am service:

Sunday 9th June     - no 8am

Sunday 23rd June   - no 8am

Sunday 14th July     - no 8am

Sunday 28th July     - no 8am

Sunday 10am services

All 10am services will be covered as normal

Thursday 11am services

All 11am services will be covered except the following Thursday

when there will be no 8am service:

Thursday 13th June     - no 11am service

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